ALC Area Committees are located in each of the 5 districts of Shropshire and also in Telford & Wrekin. They are able to focus on matters specifically affecting their area and each has representation on the ALC Executive Committee.
What is their purpose? To assist in the sharing of good practice, ideas and to identify and address local issues. To assist parish and town councils with their role and provide a forum where they can consider their relationship with principal authorities and other agencies through which they can ensure local provision of services and identify and solve common problems:
- To provide a forum in which local councils are able to offer guidance and support for each other
- To share experiences and good practice between councils
- To exchange information and views
- To provide a channel of communication between local councils, SALC, principal councils and other groups
- To encourage local councils to work in partnership with each other and with principal partners
- To consider and offer a combined response to matters affecting a specific area
- To represent their area as a consultative forum with SALC and other agencies
- To formulate joint policies and explore area partnerships
- To receive information and briefings on topics of local concern
- To facilitate training and development
- To appoint parish representatives from their area to SALC's Executive and outside bodies
- To formulate recommendations and motions to SALC's Executive, to SALC's AGM and to NALC's Policy Committee via SALC Exec
- To take on a Scrutiny role on local services and highlight any issues with the appropriate agency and/or with SALC
- To set own agenda and work autonomously
What do Area Committees Achieve? They provide a dedicated forum to encourage clustering, networking, linking and harnessing local capacity, knowledge and skills with an improved flow of timely information in and around the Area; this leading to a better understanding of forthcoming changes that affect their local councils and communities.
How do Area Committees influence and bring forward matters to SALC's Executive?
Matters are brought to the attention of the Executive via the Area Committee representatives. Matters may ultimately be forwarded to the National Association for further action at a national level.
Do Area Committees ensure SALC is in touch with its Membership?
AC representatives report matters to the Executive, and the representatives report back from the Executive to the Area Committee.
For contact details regarding Bridgnorth Area Committee, North Shropshire, Oswestry, Shrewsbury, South Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin, please contact